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Showing posts from October, 2015
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Program to compute the Fibonacci series
October 31, 2015
Program to find the total days in the year till date
October 31, 2015
Program to convert days into years and weeks
October 31, 2015
Program to enter salary and output income tax and net salary.
October 31, 2015
Program to enter the unit reading and output the customer’s telephone
October 31, 2015
Program to enter three integer and find the biggest no using IF.
October 31, 2015
Program to enter three integer and find the biggest no
October 31, 2015
Program to enter an integer and find out if it is even or odd.
October 31, 2015
Program to enter two integer and print the quotient and remainder
October 31, 2015
Program to enter an integer and print out its successor.
October 31, 2015
Program to an integer and output the cube of that integer
October 31, 2015
Program to enter principal, rate & time % print the SI.
October 31, 2015
Program to switch between different cases.
October 31, 2015
Program to enter sale value and print the agent’s commission.
October 31, 2015
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